
“A safe container to explore my erotic nature and erotic innocence – to unmask and sink into nature – to connect with both my deep joy and deep sadness around my sexuality – to be nourished by mama earth (the land, water, plants, place spirits) together with other human animals – to be open and authentic!”

– 2019 Participant

Event Flow:

– What is the schedule like?

You are welcome to arrive on the land anytime after 2 PM on Saturday, August 14th to set up, ground yourself, share dinner with the group and start getting to know people. The event officially opens Saturday night after dinner with a group ritual that will help us connect to the land, shed our domesticity, and connect with each other as our wild selves. The event will conclude Wednesday morning with another group ritual to help us integrate our experiences and walk back into the world ready to share our learnings. The interim days will have whole group events that invite us to go deeper, and each night we will have a group activity including a sensual Bonobo Feast and the Dance Eros ecstatic dance. Around these scheduled experiences, is unstructured time, supported by a desire and offering board.

– How will this event be led? 

This event follows more of an “unconference” or “rewilding” type approach. We will facilitate quite a bit at the beginning of the event to get us all on the same page and solidify the container. But then will have structures and “unstructures” in place to invite you to bring your own magic to the event and create or discover the next activity that feels right. For instance, we have many skilled guides as attendees. One of them might offer a Vulvassage exploration down by the river, or another might suggest a medicinal plant walk, or a sensory-focused hike through the woods. Or someone might start playing music and a contact jam pops up like a mushroom.

– Who is organizing this event?

This event was conceived and fertilized under a blanket in the forest many years ago. Since that fateful day, Amanda and Kendall have been dreaming into making our visions for the world become a reality. Amanda and Kendall immediately recruited Victor to be a part of the visioning process after experiencing his ability to open portals to worlds where we are still at one with our soft animal bodies.

Amanda is a Certified Somatica Sex, Intimacy and Relationship coach. Kendall calls herself a “pleasure activist” — she believe the path to creating a more sustainable, just, beautiful world is created by choosing pleasure. Victor is a somatic sexuality and relationship educator, erotic permaculturist, and anti-oppression community educator.

You can learn more about each of them here:
Victor: website coming soon

– What is Dance Eros?

Dance Eros is an eros-inclusive dance experience where movement, eros and community are invited into the room to play together in safety, consensuality, celebration and sanity. It is a bonobo-esque dance where eros is understood as a sovereign and community precious resource to be expressed and shared rather than withheld. We will invite the erotic into the dance through the front door, proudly in broad daylight rather than sneaking her in on they sly, unowned and unnamed, through the back door. We will invite the erotic into the dance however she arrives; from the subtle to the oevert, from the sexual to the sensual, from the solo to the communal!

– What is the Bonobo Feast?

Our closest animal kin with whom we share 98.7% of our DNA are the bonobos! And like us, they truly, truly enjoy their unbridled sexuality. Unlike us, they are completely free in their sexuality using it to resolve conflicts, say simple hellos, express the joy and excitement of an abundant meal! In the Bonobo Feast we will revel in the sensual celebration of food; of feeding ourselves and feeding each other while playing with the primal eros of taking in nurturance and sharing abundance. We will invite in our bonobo intelligence for play, pleasure and feasting!

– What is the balance of structured/unstructured time? 

There is a lot of time here to really sink in and let your desires unfold. Here you will find it easy to spend hours in deep relationship with the land (vs. the style of many events where you are simply attending a bunch of workshops on the land). Both are great, and we seek a balance. We ask that you attend the opening ritual on Saturday evening and the closing ritual on Wednesday morning, but after that, we will be creating this together, with people finding their own rightness with full group/small group/dyad/solo time. 

– What do I do with the unstructured time?

Anything you want! Swim in the river. Sweat in the sauna. Offer to lead others in a yoga practice. Make music on the lawn. Make love in the forest. Call a prayer circle. Take a nap. Sit alone in the woods. Allow your wild animal body to do exactly, and only, what it wants to do.

We will have a desire and offering board. We encourage participants to consider their deepest longings and post them on the board to find others who want to engage.

– Do I have to do all the group activities?

We ask that everyone come to the opening and closing rituals. All other activities, group events, or spontaneous opportunities that may arise are entirely optional. This is a chance to practice your radical awareness of what your body wants to do, and to practice your yes and no.

– Do I have to do volunteer work?

There is no required volunteer service. We do ask that you stay aware of your surroundings and help if something is needed:  straighten up and wipe down the bathroom after you’re done, bring abandoned cups/mugs back to the kitchen, help restock safer-sex supplies in the forest if something runs out, etc. 

– Will there be nudity?

Undoubtedly. Nudity is encouraged in the wild and allowed in the commons. Clothes are required in the domestic house space.

– Will there be sexual activity?

Probably. None of the group rituals where everyone is expected to attend will request or require sexual activity. Any sexual activity will take place between consenting participants in the wild space, or in tents/cabins/RV’s. There will also be an optional, group self-pleasure circle. Sensual energy and engagement will be encouraged during the rituals and is welcome in the commons, including the dance room and sauna. We ask that the domestic house space remain free of sexual energy or activity. We expect each person to follow their yes and no, and to listen carefully for the yes and no from others. Support will be available for those who request it (see below).

– Will this be an orgy in the woods?



– What does ecosexual mean?

EcoSexuality is a philosophy, a way of relating, a spiritual path and a social movement. It is a redefinition of humans’ relationship with Earth:  from seeing Earth as a self-sacrificing mother to treating Earth as a lover with whom we have a fully reciprocal relationship — we give as much as we take. EcoSexual practices are any that are integrative, regenerative, symbiotic, abundant, intimate, inclusive, and sustainable for all beings and the Earth herself. EcoSexuality is a revolutionary movement to create a more beautiful world and to move closer to that reality through love, humor, passion, and pleasure.

– How does this event relate to the ecosex events over the past few years?

Amanda, Kendall and Victor met at the Surrender: An Ecosex Convergence event in 2016. Some participants of this event also attended that event. This event is inspired by what we learned and experienced at previous events.